Wahl Trimmer Blades. Choose from the following blades:
#1046 - Standard Trimmer Blade
AC Trimmer, 8900(s), 9985-600
#1062 - T-Shaving Blade fits:
8900(s), 9985-600, AC Trimmer, Bling, Stylist, Definitions
#1062-600 Five Star T-Blade fits:
Razor Edger, Hero, Detailer(s), G Whiz, Stylist, Definitions
#2068-300 - Peanut White ($12.95)
#2068-100 - Peanut Black ($12.95)
#2041 - Tattoo (designs)
AC Trimmer, 8900(s), 9985-600, Tattoo
#2215 - T-Wide Blade for Detailers (5 star, original and cordless), Hero or Razor Edger -
#2227 - Blade for Detailer OLD STYLE OG CORDLESS.
NOTE: The 2227 blade includes a micro adjustment lever. The lever will move the blade a small amount that is not visible to the naked eye. It is NOT defective if you cannot see it move.
#2111 - Blade for Beret, Echo or Sterling Mag & Sterling 4 Trimmer